Captain Marvel (2019) Movie Review

Captain Marvel (2019) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%, the place where you can be nerdy about movies! Today, I will do the review for the newest addition in the MCU and that is Carol Danvers, a.k.a Captain Marvel. I should have done this review a couple of days ago because I have already seen the movie last weekend but, unfortunately, I did not have the time for it. Fortunately, I found some spare time today and I will give you my personal thoughts about it. It's what I expected? Did I like it? It was good? It was bad? All of these questions will be answered in the following paragraph. What I can say, with all of my sincerity, is that the movie went somewhere that I did not expect and I was pleasantly surprised and confused at the same time, if that makes any kind of sense. I am saying that because the movie starts with kinda the middle part, then it goes one at the beginning, resulting into a confusing mashup of different timelines....