Captain Marvel (2019) Movie Review

Captain Marvel (2019) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%, the place where you can be nerdy about movies!

Today, I will do the review for the newest addition in the MCU and that is Carol Danvers, a.k.a Captain Marvel. I should have done this review a couple of days ago because I have already seen the movie last weekend but, unfortunately, I did not have the time for it. Fortunately, I found some spare time today and I will give you my personal thoughts about it. It's what I expected? Did I like it? It was good? It was bad? All of these questions will be answered in the following paragraph.

What I can say, with all of my sincerity, is that the movie went somewhere that I did not expect and I was pleasantly surprised and confused at the same time, if that makes any kind of sense. I am saying that because the movie starts with kinda the middle part, then it goes one at the beginning, resulting into a confusing mashup of different timelines. Another thing that surprised me was the origin story because this is not your conventional and traditional origin story. I did like what they choose to do with that, making an origin story that is not about the titular character, which in this case being Captain Marvel but being all about Nick Fury, the Avengers, Agent Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D and it ties in with the MCU in a much bigger way that I have expected.

The movie still has the successful recipe that Marvel is using since the beginning, with the first Iron Man. It is jam packed with humor, great action, excellent special effects, it's visually stunning and all of that makes for an effective debut into this franchise.

A little synopsis for you: Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial Kree warrior who finds herself caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between her people and the Skrulls. Living on Earth in 1995, she keeps having recurring memories of another life as U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers. With help from Nick Fury, Captain Marvel tries to uncover the secrets of her past while harnessing her special superpowers to end the war with the evil Skrulls.

Acting wise, the standout was Ben Mendelsohn, who, I think, is destined to only play the antagonist in every movie but in this one it offers a nuanced performance. Sam Jackson in great and the de-aging technology that was used on him is one of the best in this franchise. Brie Larson was fine but I expected a bit more range and emotion from here. Jude Law was good as well but there, also, some characters here that brought nothing significant to the story, there were just there. Maybe in a future sequel.

Despite some problems and some flaws with the story and it's execution, which I did not mind that much, the movie was good. I had a lot of fun, I was very entertained and it's a enjoyable movie, for the most part. It has some two post credit scenes, the first one being the important one because it is connected with the upcoming Avengers:Endgame. Also, the ''cat'', Goose, is very hilarious and he deserves his own movie, starting alongside Rocket. Make that happen Marvel! :)) 8/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. More reviews coming your way, I hope. Until then, take care, stay movie nerdy and keep on reviewing!


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