Happy Death Day 2U (2019) Movie Review

Happy Death Day 2U (2019) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Nerd, the place where you can be nerdy about movies!

Because Happy Death Day was a hit, commercially and critically, of course a sequel was going to be made and I just saw it last night. It is as good as the first? Does it still feel fresh and original?

Well, yes and no. It's definitely not as good as the first one and not as fresh, that's for sure. What I can safely say is that this one is way funnier than the previous movie, it's also got a sci-fi twist as a second premise, which was a nice little addition there and, as one of the characters graciously informs us that what was happening was similar with the Back to the Future, in the same way Groundhog Day was mentioned in the first movie.

Almost forgot the synopsis here: Collegian Tree Gelbman wakes up in horror to learn that she's stuck in a parallel universe. Her boyfriend Carter is now with someone else, and her friends and fellow students seem to be completely different versions of themselves. When Tree discovers that Carter's roommate has been altering time, she finds herself once again the target of a masked killer. When the psychopath starts to go after her inner circle, Tree soon realizes that she must die over and over again to save everyone.

So, as you can see from this, there are still some similarities with the first movie, albeit with some differences, of course. And that is where the movie kinda falls down for me. In like, between the second and the final act, the movie kinda rehashes the same things it did the first time. It felt repetitive, cliched and unoriginal. Agreed, the first one also felt repetitive but there was a reason for that, it did not feel like a routine, which is not the case with this one. Also, in some parts, it felt like the creators were just trying to pan the run time a bit more.

Despite all of that, the movie was still enjoyable and it had it's moments. Also, you don't really have to see the first movie to enjoy this one because you get a short summary at the beginning. But, I strongly advise that you also the first movie just so you know what you are walking into. Also, the movie was good.

Another thing to point out here, this is not a horror movie whatsoever. It has some tension building scenes but they are not scary. If you should categorize this movie, you can put it in the thriller-comedy-sci fi section. It also contains a heist planning scene so you can throw heist movie in there as well.

Overall, a sequel that, from my part, was not that necessary, the first one was enough but it was satisfying and fans of the first movie are going to enjoy it. If not the premise then for the amazing performance, again, from Jessica Rothe, who steps up a notch here. She is just amazing! The movie, not that much! 6.2/10

OK guys, that was my review for this one. Coming soon, some more reviews and I cannot wait to see who wins at the Oscars tonight. Until then, take care, stay movie nerdy and keep on reviewing!


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