Bad Santa 2 (2016) Movie Review

Bad Santa 2 (2016) Review

So, this is a comedy sequel no one asked for. Most of the times sequels don't work, with a few exceptions like Terminator 2, Aliens and Godfather Part 2 but with comedy sequels is another story: almost all the time they don't work like Dumb and Dumber To and Zoolander 2. And no one asked for those movies just like this one. The first one was funny, crazy and had a nice ending. This one is exactly the same, with the same crude and rude humor, some scenes that are similar to other scenes in the first one and less heart. Don't make no mistake, it's funny and worth a watch but is to little to late. I liked the first one but the second one does not have that christmassy feel. On the plus side the performances are still great, with Billy Bob doing, yet again, a fine job and the extraordinary Kathy Bates doing a bang on job as well. But, overall, the movie is not a fresh one. Bad Santa 2, you're gonna get some coal in your stockings. 6.5/10


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