The Night Before (2015) Movie Review

The Night Before (2015) Review

We start the Christmas countdown with this "gem" of a movie from last year. Let me say that this movie is hilarious from start to finish. It's starts off a bit slow and a bit sad but from there it's all one big crazy journey to find the ultimate Christmas party. It's got humor, very R rated humor, crazy action and extra funny scenes. The performances are great, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anthony Mackie and Seth Rogen, especially Seth Rogen. To see this guy having a drug induced journey is delightful and fucking hilarious. The church scene is one of the best scenes in the movie. It deserves a spot on the funny Christmas comedies list. It's not as consisting like the classic Christmas comedies but it definitely deserves a revisit on every Christmas. It's an enjoyable mayhem, a crazy Christmas movie and a good tale about growing up. 8/10


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