Mortal Engines (2018) Movie Review

Mortal Engines (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%! So, from today I will only be concentrating on doing reviews for the movies that I am seeing in the theater, with some few exceptions and that is because I am developing a new site for reviews and, hopefully, will be online at the beginning of 2019. For the remaining of the 2018 I will be doing the reviews on this site. 

Now, that I have got that out of the way, let's proceed with the review of this new fantasy adventure movie from the famous Peter Jackson. Let me start by saying that I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I enjoyed The Hobbit trilogy and, as far as this movie is concerned, I liked it and I enjoyed it. I did not love it because the main story and other plot points of the movie feel to familiar with movies like The Terminator, Mad Max, The Mortal Instruments and, especially, Star Wars. The similarities that this movie and the others that I have mentioned share are so obvious that is infuriating and, in some points, become down right annoying. Especially in the third act of the movie, in the climactic battle at the end, you can see the very very very obvious similarities with A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back

Because if this extremely lack of originality, the movie becomes so predictable that it does not offer you any surprises. Even the relation between the two leads is extremely predictable and cliched. 

On a more lighter note, the movie compensates with extremely gorgeous landscapes and imagery, excellent and superb special effects with a fast paced rythm, which slows down when a piece of a character's backstory is explained, which is also a good thing because, that way, it creates a bond between you and the character, you understand and can relate with his or, in this case, her motives. Excellent action set pieces and a bloody wicked soundtrack.

Overall, except for the lesser original story and a shamble of a narrative, the movie is quite an eye popping adventure action fantasy and it's worth the price of admission. 6.8/10

OK guys, that is the review for today. Next up, I hope I can do the review for the new adventure, or the same adventure of Mowgli but told in a different way. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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