Best and Worst of December 2017

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor and Happy New Year 2018. Let's hope this year is going to have a tone of good movies but until then let me share with you my Best and Worst of December of last year and no honorable mentions this time because there are just a couple of movies. Let's begin with the worst of them, which there are only two, "Overdrive" and the worst of the month, "Geostorm", both of them mashups of other good movies but, at least "Overdrive" had some entertaining quality and "Geostorm" had no quality. For my best, I chose "American Assassin", "Jumanji" and "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle". The ultimate best was, of course, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" with all of its controversy, I enjoyed it. 

OK guys, those are my choices for last month. Next up, I hope it's a review for "Bright" from Netflix. And maybe I will try to do a "Top 10 Best of 2017" and "Top 10 Worst of 2017". Or Top 5, maybe. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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