Bright (2017) Movie Review

Bright (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! It has been a while but I am back and ready to rumble. For my first review of this year I chose this Netflix mix between fantasy and cop drama plus a little social commentary for good measure. The thing of it is that the movie tries to blend these three together and, unfortunately, it fails on all three of them. Also, the script sucks and it feels uninspired and lazy. And because this is a cop drama, amongst other things, it comes complete with all of the genre's cliches plus the all known and unoriginal plot with the cop that does not like his partner but, in the end, they become good friends. I appreciate that they tried to change something by putting it in a fantasy world but we don't get any backstory, exposition or any explanation of this world and its characters. And the social commentary things it's pretty obvious so "nice" job with that as well movie. The only good thing about this movie is Will Smith and that is the only reason this movie is watchable but I cannot understand why they are making a sequel already. 5/10


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