Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Movie Review

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Bloody hell, I definitely need to change that title! Feel free to jump in with some opinions. It has been a while since my last review but with the work and the graphic design course that I am taking right now, it's been a bit difficult to focus on this site as well but, I am hoping that things will simmer down a bit. 

So, this movie has been anticipated since it was announced and, if you are a true Queen fan you will surely appreciate this movie, not for the story but for the music and the acting. Why do I say not for story? Well, because I expected that with a very famous band like Queen and his more famous lead singer, the story will be presented different like in the other biopics that I have seen across the years and I have seen many. Unfortunately, the movie goes by the rule of '' if it's not broken why not use it'' and that is the main problem of the movie because it uses the exact same recipe from other movies that came before it. And because of that, the movie is predictable, if you don't know the story of how the band got together, cliched and very familiar, which diminishes the quality which is a bloody shame.

But, it's not all bad because the movie redeems itself with a couple of greatest hits from Queen, some great directing, extraordinary performances, Rami Malek especially because he becomes Freddie Mercury, apart from a couple of times where the interpretation was a bit uneven. The gem, however, is the last 20 minutes of the movie, with the Live Aid concert from '85 which is the main reason, in my opinion, to see this movie on the big screen because, first of all, it looks amazing, the recreation of that is unbelievable, it's like you are watching the concert live and second of all, the audio sounds fantastic so great job in sound design and special effects. 

Overall, it's not the movie that I was expecting, they did not dive in more deeply into Freddie Mercury's sexuality, just briefly, it has some good humor, which I enjoyed, great music, great performances but the familiarity of the story damages the whole end product. Instead of some great hits we got some OK medley. 7/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up, Grindelwald is up to something in Crimes of Grindelwald. Review coming tomorrow. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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