The Grinch (2018) Movie Review

The Grinch (2018) Review

Here we are again with a second review for this day. We all now the story of the Grinch right? Because it is the same story with this adaptation as well but, the difference between this one and the one with Jim Carrey is that is more suitable for children and families, containing also a special message about family and the connection between all of us, however different we are. Like I said, it does not offer anything new in terms of story, it's basically very much like the one from 2000, with some minor differences but it looks beautiful, the animation is extremely colorful and vivid. Sound design is also very good, with some sound effects that hit the mark and the voice acting is perfect. Cumberbatch makes for a very suitable Grinch and his conundrums are going to give the kids and adults as well some very good laughs. 

Overall, not much originality but a good addition into these animated movies adapted from Dr. Seuss and, if your kid does not appreciate the original animated Grinch and if you have to choose between this one and the one with Jim Carrey, I would recommend this one because the Jim Carrey is a bit more vulgar. I prefer the Jim Carrey version still. 7.1/10


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