Creed 2 (2018) Movie Review

Creed 2 (2018) Review

So, the third and final review is for the eight movie in the Rocky franchise and the second one in the Creed franchise. I loved the first movie which was a similar story with the first Rocky just like J.J Abrams did with Force Awakens. This one is Rocky IV all over again but it's still packs a punch.

Staying true to the formula, the movie offers little in terms of surprises but the way it was shot, the fight choreography and the emotional punch make this movie on kinda the same level as the first one. Although we have seen this movie before, the heart of the story and the stakes that are considerably higher than in the last one, Creed 2 feels more than a Rocky sequel. It has some nostalgia of course, so many scenes that are mirroring scenes from Rocky IV but, despite all that, the familiarity and used up formula, the movie works. Stallone and B.Jordan are, again, the perfect combo for this movies, Tessa Thompson being a great addition. Lundgren's Drago is as he were in the previous movie, practically no changes made to the character. His son, which was played by a romanian, Florian Munteanu does not have the acting chops but he compensates with his big stature and powerful look. The movie has some humor, which I hoped it will, considering all the drama that unfolds and some of that humor comes from the Drago's, the actors, trying to speak a language that they clearly don't know that well. 

The fights are incredible, you feel every punch and every fall and, because of that, you are in with the hero all the way till the end. 

Overall, it does not surpass it's predecesor but it was very near. A well crafted movie and a very good sequel. 8.2/10

OK guys, those are my reviews for today. I hope I will do some more in the following days. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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