First Man (2018) Movie Review

First Man (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today, we are going to the moon alongside Ryan Gosling with this very personal take on the famous Apollo 11 moon landing.

When I saw this movie I immediately thought about the Apollo 13 movie, which I saw again recently and that movie, which is a extraordinary piece of work from start to end, it's main focus was the mission and the problems that they were trying to get by in order to return safely back. This one, however, has the moon landing but it has a more personal focus in the life of Neil Armstrong, his family and his struggle to overcome certain obstacles that, eventually, leads him commanding the Apollo 11 mission. It's not for everyone because it's kinda of a slow walk to the main event, it has some very emotional and dramatic parts, some of them a bit slow and that can take some of you out but it's worth it. The length it's a bit long that it should have been, you feel it and with the Apollo 13 movie, which has almost the same length, you don't feel that time passing by. Some amazing performance from all of the cast, from Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy, who is extraordinary, to Kyle Chandler and Jason Clarke. Another good thing that I want to point out is the score and the sound effects, which are very good. It has some good sound to mute transitions in the part when they land on the moon. 

About that flag controversy, I don't think it's a reason to slam on this movie because that was not the main focus of this movie, it was to shed light on some things from Armstrong's life and to tell a historical event in a different way. Overall, with some length issues and some little problems with the pace, the movie was a very good experience and a very dramatic journey to a pivotal moment in human history. 8/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next, the new Halloween movie and some other ones. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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