Halloween (2018) Movie Review

Halloween (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, it's been a bit of a break since my last review and that is because I am a bit tide up with work and I haven't been around that much to do the reviews but I am going do one or two now, when I have some little free time and what better review than the 2018 follow up to the 1978 original and the third sequel in the Halloween franchise. Confused? I don't blame if you are not because this movie erased all of the previous and sort of disappointing sequels, some more than others. I mean, the one from 1981, Halloween II was OK, Season of the Witch was interesting, although it had nothing to do with the two previous movies, the 4th and 5th were poor sequels, H20 was a bit of an improvement, Resurrection was all but forgettable and don't get me started with Rob Zombie's movies because those were just the worst, especially the second one. The original was a masterpiece and this one is close enough to that level.

I enjoyed everything about this movie. It did what Carpenter did right with his movie and everything that was excellent about that movie is in this movie as well. You got all of the good stuff, from the original opening, with a little twist, the original Carpenter score and theme song, which I enjoyed very much, to the tense and chock full of suspense scenes, a bit stretched towards the end but with rewarding results, expertly shot camera work and angles, creepy sound effects and all the way basic slasher elements but elements that still work. Michael Myers is very menacing in this one, even more, if that's possible than in the original. Feels more like an actual boogeyman, an almost invincible killing machine but in this movie, Laurie Strode, which is played perfectly again by Jamie Lee Curtis, is a worthy adversary, more than what she was 40 years ago. Some of the Rob Zombie violence is present in this one but they don't go over the limit with it although it has an amount more than the 1978 version. It is set in modern time, which I appreciate. It gave a sense of real with the timeline.

Overall, apart from some few little glitches here and there, it it a worthy follow up, a great sequel that gives a clean slate to the franchise and, also, act as an homage to the 1978 original but, at the same time, standing on on its own. 8.5/10

OK guys, this is my review for this movie. Next up, I hope I can do the review for two other horror movie. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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