Venom (2018) Movie Review

Venom (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today I have special one, a movie I have waited for a long time now, with a character that I wanted to see it brought to justice since Spider-Man 3 because well know how that turned out. So, I am here to tell you that the character of Venom still needs a good movie because this one is not it, or not what I was expected it to be. All of us remember the Deadpool fiasco from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie and the Phoenix debacle from the third X-Men movie. Well, Deadpool found his footings, the Phoenix will have to wait next summer but with Venom, this was not the case. Let me breaking down. 

First of all, the script is awful, with some cringe dialogue, uninspired character decisions and a narrative that did not know in which direction to go, it was just back and forth the whole movie. Like, is it a comedy, a horror movie or a SF. It does have horror elements in some parts but, unfortunately and, I don't know if that was the real intention of the producers and screenwriters but some scenes that supposed to be serious end up being hilarious instead. The movie does not know when to be serious and when to be funny, in some parts of the movie. Visually, it looks good, special effects are a bit obvious in some cases but Venom looks great, like what it should have looked before and how it looks in the comics. Unfortunately, the whole aesthetic of the movie feels like a 90's or, at least, early 2000's superhero movie and it does not help that the origin story feels so familiar so no points on originality there or even stick to the comics points. It's very similar, actually, with how Peter Parker got his powers. Some of the action scenes are not framed well, with a lot of shaky cam style and quick cuts which makes for a difficult watch. 

Well, the movie is not all bad because the strongest point, or maybe the only one that the movie has is the relation between Brock and Venom that make for some very funny quips between each other and some very funny scenes. The humor is not always working but, for the most part, it does. It turns into a buddy comedy, in some points. Another problem that I had with this movie is the decision to make it PG-13 rather then Rated R and, you can see from some scenes that they held back. I mean, this is an alien that likes to rip people's head's off and you make it PG-13. In my opinion, that was a mistake. Tom Hardy is good in the role, no problems there, Michelle Williams however was on the other end of the stick, with an average performance and don't get me started on the villain which was so cliched and familiar that it didn't pose a threat. 

Overall, a bit disappointed with how Sony choosed to make this movie, which I had a feeling that, eventually, they would screw this up as well. But, I had some fun with this movie and, if you want to see how this should have been, watch Upgrade instead. It's the same movie but better. Cannot wait for the sequel because a mortal enemy of Venom will appear. Stay for the post credit scene at the end. 6.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up, something but I don't know yet. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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