Cars 2 (2011) Movie Review

Cars 2 (2011) Review

So, with the second movie we got a different story, that introduced a spy world, which we haven't heard about or are going to hear about. The racing part has been put in the second place, meaning the Lighting McQueen is not the main character of this story but Mater is, which makes me dislike this movie a bit more. I found him a bit annoying in the first one but to put him front and center in the second one is like making Jar Jar Binks the main focus of the prequels. The visuals are still stunning but the plot, the script and the story are not that shinny, with some plot holes and inconsistencies that make it feel lazy and poorly written. That is the problem with the sequels. They try to top the original, coming up with a new story but they try to hard. And, most of the time, it does not work, like in this case. The emotional feel is gone, the thrills are still there, with the racing scenes but it's not enough. The voice talent is still very good, with some new comers. Overall, I don't dislike this movie that much, it has some redeeming quality to it but it's not a good movie and, definitely, weaker than the original. 6/10


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