Justice League (2017) Movie Review

Justice League (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, I have the review for the long awaited "Justice League" movie and there are some questions to be answered: was it good?, was it bad?, does it continue the good streak that "Wonder Woman" for this universe? Well, yes to the first one, a bit for the second one and it kinda does for the third one. Let me say this:I enjoyed the movie. Does it have problems? Of course it does but it's not a bad movie. It's above "Batman v Superman" and "Suicide Squad" so, it's not the worst of the DCEU. Of course, we have some characters that are not so well developed as others but the little bits that we got satisfied me and made me excited of their stand alone movies. And, because, Joss Whedon took the directing part from Zack Snyder you can see, in the second half of the movie, the tone shifts from dark and depressive to a more lighter and colorful tone, a better class of humor, with some hilarious lines and little jokes witch I enjoyed the hell out of them and laughed out loud, alongside everyone else. Yeah, the visuals may be a little murky at the beginning, a bit dark and grey and with some jokes that not all of them are good. Being Zack Snyder, you know his style: a lot of action and effects and less substance. Speaking of that, in that department, the movie does hold up, with some great action set pieces, excellent visuals and, most of the time, good special effects. I am saying most of the time because, sometimes, the CGI is not that good, especially for Henry Cavill's Superman and his CGI removed moustache. You can see that his upper lip is computer generated. All of the performance were very good, Ezra Miller's Flash being a very awesome comic relief and Jason Momoa's Aquaman being a total bad ass. Villain wise I was OK but I preferred it to be a real villain instead of a CGI one because he looks like he was pulled out from a video game. Plus his ultimate goal is very simple and not that complex, which I appreciated. But not enough gravitas. Overall, not the best from DCEU and, in my opinion, it stalled the positive streak that "Wonder Woman" set but it's still a step in the right direction for this universe. I am not saying that it's a bad movie, it's just average and a bit forgettable. But you can definitely have fun with it! 8/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up, I think, is "The Beguilded". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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