American Assassin (2017) Movie Review

American Assassin (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! I know, it's been a while since my last review but it's a very busy time for me now and not so much free time on my hands. And I also said that I will review the movie "The Beguiled" but I can sum that movie up in a few words: seen it, didn't like it but great performances. This one, on the other hand, I quite enjoyed it for what it is and what it is it's a spy movie that tries very hard to be a spy thriller. Unfortunately, it does not achieve that status because of the plot, which well known, offering nothing new or anything special to put it aside other spy thrillers. The characters aren't well developed, their relationships and backgrouonds are poorly written and, most of them, are one dimensional and stereotypical for these types of movie. The one thing that saves this movie are the action scenes, which are well executed and well shot. And there are really entertaining. The actors are good to, Michael Keaton being the stand out in this one. Overall, if you like a movie that has good action scenes and nothing else, then this should do just fine. It is not a good spy thriller but it is a decent spy movie, with all of its cliches. 7/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up will Best and Worst of November and, afterwards, the entire "Star Wars" series. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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