Geostorm (2017) Movie Review

Geostorm (2017) Review

Well, what a disaster of a movie, pun intended. What they aimed with this movie was a spectacle and the last chance that this genre had to offer but, sadly, it all fell apart. Nothing about this movie is good. Crappy special effects, a stupid and nonsensical plot, with all types of holes and things that don't make sense, lacking of any emotion or drama, originality is nowhere to be found, you can see elements of other better disaster movies like "Armagheddon", "2012", "The Day After Tomorrow" plus they also took some elements from better space movie like "Gravity". The movie is also predictable, unfunny, the humor does not work at all, full of cliches of the genre and, overall, a bad movie. No thrills, no suspense, no nothing, which is weird from a disaster movie. Not even Gerard Butler can save this train wreck of a disaster. Plus, I just noticed that the poster for this movie is almost the same with the one for "Inception". Talk about lack of originality. 3.5/10


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