Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017) Movie Review

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back, after a very long brake, to Movie Talks with Tudor! Yes, it's been a while since a posted anything here but with all the things are happening right now, with my job and all of this Christmas madness, I didn't have the time to post this review, until now. So, you all know the debate that is surrounding this movie, that it's not a good Star Wars movie and it doesn't live up to the other movies in the series, particularly the original one, that it took some risks and they didn't panned out, that it's to long and some scenes could have been taken out of the movie. And I can agree with all those things but I really enjoyed this movie. It does have it's issues, which I pointed then out but you can get over those issues and appreciate the way that Rian Johnson chose to tell this story. I can also say that, although I enjoyed the movie, I wasn't very impressed by it and there are some things that bothered me a bit. The humor, on the one hand, is a bit exaggerated and feels very inappropriate for a Star Wars movie, a movie, that from the trailers, looked dark and grim. A little humor works, when it's done right but in this one feels overly cartoonish and out of place. Although Mark Hamill does an excellent performance, maybe his best in this role, Luke Skywalker feels weak and not the Jedi we were used to. The movie offers three stories, Rey's, Poe's, which is my favorite and then, there is Finn and Rose's story that feels, like the humor, out of place, unnecessary and filled with some bad CGI. They took some risks, some very surprising twists that, surprisingly, worked, for the most part. What I can say is that the action in this movie, the space battles and other action sequences are the best of all of this series. The space battle from the beginning was an awesome way to introduce us into this story. Excellently done and masterfully edited. Plus superb special effects, some very good music and some nice cinematography. Even though there are some issues with the story and how they handle it and even though we have more questions than answers plus the risks they took may not be for everyone and, although it does not have that Star Wars feel to it I can safely say that, for me, as a Star Wars fan, the movie satisfied me enough to enjoy it and have fun with it. It's a great movie but not a great Star Wars movie, just a good Star Wars movie but it deserves it's place amongst the good ones. 8/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. For now, is going to be a short brake because of the Christmas holiday but I will return after with reviews for "Jumanji", "Jumanji:Welcome to the Jungle" and "The Greatest Showman". Plus some others, I think. Until then, take care, keep on reviewing and Merry Christmas!


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