
Se afișează postări din august, 2017

Michael Jackson's This Is It (2009) Movie Review

Michael Jackson's This Is It (2009) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Before I star this review I just want to mention two movies that I saw last night, "Goon" and "Goon: Last of the Enforcers". I highly recommend these two movies because the're funny, violent and, surprisingly, full of heart. Well, the second one not so much but it's still a watchable movie. So, if you want entertainment, watch the two "Goon" movies. One more thing, I think the first one is kinda similar to Adam Sandler's "Water Boy". Now, let's get back to brass tacks. Because, on the 29th of August is MJ's birthday, I re-watched this mockumentary from 2009 and I get amazed every time I see it. It's unbelievable what a true artist and performer Michael Jackson was. And to see him do his magic was a rare treat. Of course, it's not as amazing as the main show was supposed to be but it has enough punch and dazzle to ...

Rough Night (2017) Movie Review

Rough Night (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, it's been a while since my last review and that is because I went on a trip to Bucharest for an important event but now I'm back and the reviews can continue with this one. Okay, since "Bridesmaids", from 2011, we had an increase in female comedies about a group of female friends who have a girls night out and it goes terribly wrong. Last year we had "Bad Moms" which was a hilarious comedy. This year we have four. This one, "Fun Mom Dinner", "Girls Trip" and "Bad Mom's Christmas", which is a sequel to "Bad Moms". An all of these movies are trying to be a female version of "The Hangover". We sort of got that with "Bridesmaids" but this one is far from it. I mean, the cast is great and Kate McKinnon does a very good Australian accent but the movie not as funny as you would expect. It's got a few laughs bu...

Pet Sematary (1989) Movie Review

Pet Sematary (1989) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Yes, it has been a few days since my last review but, what can you do, having a job and doing this is a bit of a handful. Before my reviews for the two "Annabelle" movies I said I would do a review for "Dolores Claiborne". I've seen the movie, I read the book but I felt that a review for the movie is not necessary. The movie is good, not as great as the book, Kathy Bates once again shines in a Stephen King adaptation that was post "Misery". There are a few changes from the book, the story is familiar and if you have read before you've seen the movie, the whole mystery and suspense is gone. My advice to you is to watch the movie and then read the book. And that was the main reason that the movie dropped in quality for me. I would give it a 7.2/10. Okay, for this adaptation, which is a not so good but, in a way, satisfactory adaptation, I don't have a lot to sa...

Annabelle: Creation (2017) Movie Review

Annabelle: Creation (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! As I said, today I'm reviewing the prequel of the 2014 "Annabelle". Man, this movie was terrifying! Way way better than the first one. Director David F. Sandberg, who also did "Lights Out", the short and the long feature which are scary as hell, crafts an interesting and creepy story of how that doll became what it is today. It's way scary than the first one, with jump scares that don't feel cheap but well executed and with tremendous effect. It looks better than the first one, better acted and with better effects than the original. The atmosphere is perfectly combined with the haunting score that this movie has. Unfortunately, the plot is kinda convoluted and nonsensical and the movie falls down the cliched path of other horror movies, very often that it makes the movie very predictable. What saves this movie is the brilliance of David Sandberg and the way that...

Annabelle (2014) Movie Review

Annabelle (2014) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Because "Annabelle:Creation" is coming out this week-end, which I'm going to see tonight and review tomorrow, I revisited the original which is also a spin-off in the Conjiverse. I didn't like it the first time, the second time it did not change my opinion. You can see the movie is borrowing stuff from other good horror films like "Child's Play", "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Omen". It's full of cheap jump scares, horror movie cliches, bad editing, bad lighting and, occasionally, the shaky cam movement. It's not even scary, apart from one scene that is ultimately wrecked by the follow up scene. The scene I'm talking about is the one from the basement. That scene is the best thing from this movie. It's creepy, scary and unsettling. Unfortunately, it's immediately destroyed by the next scene which is compiled only of bad editing, poo...

Baywatch (2017) Movie Review

Baywatch (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today, I take a dive into the remake of the popular TV Show, "Baywatch". Look, I did not see the TV Show or any other movie about these lifeguards so I did not know what to expect. However, I've heard what other critics said about this movie and I kinda agree with them. I know the TV Show had that campy 80's feel but they change that with this movie, which is good for the newer generations. They tried to make it like the "21 Jump Street" remake but they failed utterly. Except for the cast, which are wasted, and the good chemistry between them this movie has nothing to offer in terms of quality humor, action and story. The humor is bad, consisting only of penis jokes, mainly, the action is not great and the story is flimsy, at best. The actors were OK, as I said plus the chemistry between The Rock and Effron is great. And I cannot believe this movie was directed by Seth Gordon,...

(500) Days of Summer (2009) Movie Review

(500) Days of Summer (2009) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor. This movie was not in my review plans for this week but, I thought, what the heck, let's do it. So, this movie was directed by Marc Webb and I felt a bit nervous at one point because I remembered "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and what an amazing flop that was. But, in the first 10 minutes of this movie, I said that this is a good movie. It surprised me in a very good way. It's smart, cute, funny, honest and it's not your normal romantic comedy and that is why I enjoyed this movie. It does not fall into the cliches of every other romantic comedy and instead, it gives you an honest look on what a relationship might really be in reality. And I was talking yesterday, in my review for "Scott Pilgrim....", about scene transitions and how they don't work every time. In that movie works but so in this one. Webb has a different style than Edgar Wright, with scenes that...

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) Movie Review

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, I was hopping that I would have seen "Baby Driver" by now but unfortunately I did not see it, yet. Luckily, I revisited another Edgar Wright movie which as good as "Baby Driver". Well, more or less. It's less but it's still an awesome movie. The script could have been better and the story needed a few extra tweaks. Leaving that aside, the movie is crazy fun. Dazzling, inventive, charming, witty, funny, smart and a real treat. It has the aesthetic of a comic book, which is based on and the visual style of a video game. And Edgar Wright manages to combine those two forms of entertainment very well. And talk about those scene transitions. They may not always work in movies but this time, they really are put to good use. And it's so surprising. You never see it coming and that is the beauty of it. The cast was also great, with Michael Cera nailing the ...

Everything Everything (2017) Movie Review

Everything Everything (2017) Review So, this is my second review for today, with a movie that it's supposed to be sad but, ultimately, it's really not. It's a nice, sweet and lovely story with two leads that really did a good job and had some good chemistry. It kinda reminded me of "Bubble Boy" but, mainly, another movie that came at the beginning of the year, "The Space Between Us", which I also reviewed. The plot is similar, until the end, but, in many ways, is the same movie. Has some humor, which is good. Not much to say about this movie, good or bad. It's just an average movie that it's targeted crowd is, obviously, the young people. Being one of those people, I kinda liked it. It's different from other love stories that I saw. 6.5/10 OK guys, those are the reviews for today. I'm not sure what I'm going to post next but if you tune in, you will see. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!

The Wall (2017) Movie Review

The Wall (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! I know, it's been a few days but I'm a bit slammed right now but I'm back with two new reviews. One of them is this movie and it's that type of movie that, personally, I enjoy. With few characters and a limited space of action. In these movies you can really appreciate the performances of the actors and the direction of it's filmmaker. And this movie has both. Great performances from Taylor-Johnson and John Cena, who impressed me that he took a more serious role with this one. The movie begins on a high note, with some little jokes between the two characters but not long after it completely shifts the tone into a more tense and suspenseful thriller. And you can feel that tone shift alongside the characters, which is great. Another great thing about the movie is that you don't see the villain, you can only hear him but that is enough. You can paint a complete picture of what kind o...

The Dark Tower (2017) Movie Review

The Dark Tower (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor. Today, we discuss about the long awaited and highly anticipated adaptation of Stephen King's magnum opus, "The Dark Tower". So, as a fan of Stephen King and "The Dark Tower" books I wanted this movie to be a good one but, unfortunately, as I expected, because of all the production problems this movie had, it ended up being another property that Sony managed to ruin. Listen, the movie is not bad and I don't regret seeing it but it is a missed opportunity because the potential that this story and this world has is enormous. You cannot put 8 big ass books into a 1h 30 min. movie. Because of that scrapping, the movie is too fast paced, it gets to a scene and then immediately cuts off to the other. And that is why you cannot comprehend what is happening. The characters are way under developed, with no backstory whatsoever, just some little bits of information that is not enou...

Misery (1990) Movie Review

Misery (1990) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor. Since "The Dark Tower" has been released and, unfortunately, it's not a good adaptation of a Stephen King novel, I revisited one of the best Stephen King book to movie adaptation with "Misery". We know the Stephen King adaptations are numerous but not all of them are good. But there are exceptions, like "The Shinning", although very much changed by Stanley Kubrick, it's still a brilliant movie, "IT", the 90's television mini-series, "The Langoliers", "1408", "The Mist" and "Misery". Even "Storm of the Century" can be put in this category. And who can forget the non horror adaptations like "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile". Even "Secret Window" was a good movie. But "Misery" is an entire different movie. Of course, the book is better and they trimmed mos...

Sleight (2017) Movie Review

Sleight (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor. Today, we are talking about a movie that, on one hand, is about magic and on the other hand, it's something that is entirely different. You cannot put this movie into one genre, because it has multiple genres to juggle. It may be frustrating at times, to have all those genres meld into one movie plus the ending is the most frustrating part, with that stupid tease but the nice acting and mystery makes this a good movie. Not a fan for the reveal of the reason why he can do all these magic tricks, which may seem non believable but there are definitely awesome. Think of the movie "Chronicle" and put it in the world of, let's say, "Iron Man" and you get this. Very nice effects for the small budget that they had and a well told story. With all these movies about magic that were excellent, "Prestige" and "The Illusionist" plus the first "Now You See Me" a...

The Circle (2017) Movie Review

The Circle (2017) Review Hello guys and welcome back to my new blog, Movie Talks with Tudor. And for my first review on this changed blog I opted for "The Circle", a movie that wants to be a thriller but, ultimately, falls flat on its nose. The premise or the basic idea of the movie is great, it's in line with what happens in the world right now, meaning that everyone is connected to everyone and everything thru technology. Smart phones, digital cameras, social media, our emails, our profiles are out there for everyone to see. It's a digital world we are leaving in and it's that a good thing? Well this movie tries to answer that question and, in some form, it does but the main idea gets lost into this half-baked wannabe thriller. And it's not something we haven't seen before in other movies, with a company that it's not what it seems, having some dark secrets for the main hero to discover. It's predictable and it's not that original. The c...


Best and Worst of July 2017 Hello guys and welcome back to the new and improved, kinda, blog with the new name "Movie Talks with Tudor". And I hope you will enjoy this new topic. Reviews are still coming, not to worry. So, for my best and worst of July I've gone with "Dunkirk" for best and "Unforgettable" for worst. Honorable mentions for best are "War for the Planet of the Apes", "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Spider-Man Homecoming", "Spider-Man 2", "Spider-Man" plus "The Lost City of Z" and "To The Bone". For worst, honorable mentions are "The Mummy 2017", "CHIPS" and "Planet of the Apes 2001". Okay, I picked "Dunkirk" for best because it is an incredible and well made war movie, in which time is the villain in that situation. And Christopher Nolan uses that three points of view that, from ...