The Circle (2017) Movie Review

The Circle (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to my new blog, Movie Talks with Tudor. And for my first review on this changed blog I opted for "The Circle", a movie that wants to be a thriller but, ultimately, falls flat on its nose. The premise or the basic idea of the movie is great, it's in line with what happens in the world right now, meaning that everyone is connected to everyone and everything thru technology. Smart phones, digital cameras, social media, our emails, our profiles are out there for everyone to see. It's a digital world we are leaving in and it's that a good thing? Well this movie tries to answer that question and, in some form, it does but the main idea gets lost into this half-baked wannabe thriller. And it's not something we haven't seen before in other movies, with a company that it's not what it seems, having some dark secrets for the main hero to discover. It's predictable and it's not that original. The cast is great which is a shame. They try to work with what little script they had but the movie is just bad. It had a great idea but a poor execution. Definitely, one for the worst of the month of August. 5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Tomorrow, we embark on a magical journey with "Sleight". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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