Misery (1990) Movie Review

Misery (1990) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor. Since "The Dark Tower" has been released and, unfortunately, it's not a good adaptation of a Stephen King novel, I revisited one of the best Stephen King book to movie adaptation with "Misery". We know the Stephen King adaptations are numerous but not all of them are good. But there are exceptions, like "The Shinning", although very much changed by Stanley Kubrick, it's still a brilliant movie, "IT", the 90's television mini-series, "The Langoliers", "1408", "The Mist" and "Misery". Even "Storm of the Century" can be put in this category. And who can forget the non horror adaptations like "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile". Even "Secret Window" was a good movie. But "Misery" is an entire different movie. Of course, the book is better and they trimmed most of the fat but the movie still has the suspense, the terror and intensity of the story. And the soundtrack elevates that feeling of dread and terror, appearing at the exact moment in an intense scene. The performances are extraordinary, mainly Kathy Bates, which was a perfect choice for Annie Wilkes. It's these types of movies, these psychological thrillers, with few characters and limited environment, that really makes for an engaging and good movie experience. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, if you did not read the book, of course, which I did, two times. It's frightening, edgy, suspenseful, with a brilliant and well used jump scare that is very effective and a well told story. Plus, the title has double meaning, the first one being the main character of Paul Sheldon's books and the second one being the misery that he has to go through, mainly because of that character, which is brilliant. A well made Stephen King book to movie adaptation. 8.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Tomorrow, join me on visiting "The Dark Tower" and, maybe, do a little review because I'm not hearing good stuff about this movie which is a bummer. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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