Pet Sematary (1989) Movie Review

Pet Sematary (1989) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Yes, it has been a few days since my last review but, what can you do, having a job and doing this is a bit of a handful. Before my reviews for the two "Annabelle" movies I said I would do a review for "Dolores Claiborne". I've seen the movie, I read the book but I felt that a review for the movie is not necessary. The movie is good, not as great as the book, Kathy Bates once again shines in a Stephen King adaptation that was post "Misery". There are a few changes from the book, the story is familiar and if you have read before you've seen the movie, the whole mystery and suspense is gone. My advice to you is to watch the movie and then read the book. And that was the main reason that the movie dropped in quality for me. I would give it a 7.2/10. Okay, for this adaptation, which is a not so good but, in a way, satisfactory adaptation, I don't have a lot to say. I've just reread the book and the movie just glossed over some important details and events. One of the characters from the book was not included, the story was a bit rushed, in my opinion. The scare factor is there but in a very small amount, which is not good for a Stephen King adaptation. Plus, they made that unnecessary sequel, that is so bad. I feel that this movie was a missed opportunity, unfortunately, because the material is very scary and very good. But hey! They gave us the cutest little zombie ever! Do the opposite here: read the book and then see the movie! But don't see the sequel! 6.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, not sure, because I may or may not go on a little trip to Bucharest this weekend. Time will tell. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!  


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