The Wall (2017) Movie Review

The Wall (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! I know, it's been a few days but I'm a bit slammed right now but I'm back with two new reviews. One of them is this movie and it's that type of movie that, personally, I enjoy. With few characters and a limited space of action. In these movies you can really appreciate the performances of the actors and the direction of it's filmmaker. And this movie has both. Great performances from Taylor-Johnson and John Cena, who impressed me that he took a more serious role with this one. The movie begins on a high note, with some little jokes between the two characters but not long after it completely shifts the tone into a more tense and suspenseful thriller. And you can feel that tone shift alongside the characters, which is great. Another great thing about the movie is that you don't see the villain, you can only hear him but that is enough. You can paint a complete picture of what kind of man the villain only by his voice and his actions. It's a war movie but is different from the other ones because it's not as much a physical war but a psychological one and the wall has a double meaning. It's the wall that shields Johnson's character from the bullets but also, a psychological wall, which the villain tries to break. Some times, the movie can drag a little bit and does not take full advantage of it's limitations but, ultimately, it engages you with it's tight grip and a tense finale with a little twist that may or may not be confusing. Overall, a good movie that could have been better. 7/10



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