Ocean's 8 (2018) Movie Review

Ocean's 8 (2018) Review

Hello again guys. Like I said, multiple reviews for today. Look, I haven't reviewed the original Ocean's trilogy but I can summarize it for you: the first one is very good, the second one is bad and the third one is OK. 

Now, we shall chat about this all female one because why not. In 2016 we got female Ghostbusters which did not fare well and neither did this one. It's not bad but it's not as good as the original ones, except for the second one. The main problem is that the movie choosed to do the same thing like the original one with some minor differences but if you look at it as a whole, it's the same movie. The first scene is exactly like the one from 2001 and more scenes like that followed. Some of these characters are female versions of the male characters in the original trilogy, giving the movie an unoriginal feel, by doing the same thing. 

One good thing about this movie, which was also one of the good things from the original one, is the cast. A cast of very good actresses and Rihanna. Don't get me wrong, I like Rihanna as a singer but as an actress, she still has to prove. Speaking of actresses, I found Sandra Bullock's acting a bit annoying at times, like she was trying to be a female George Clooney. Do your own version. It was not all bad but I thought she was trying to much. Plus, the twist at the end of the movie was not much a surprise because it was in one of the trailers and it's present in the bloody movie poster. 

Overall and perhaps this is just me but I don't think that this movie was so necessary. It does not offer anything new, it has some good chemistry between the actresses and it's got some style but it's not good. And it has two cameos that did nothing for the movie. 6/10



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