The Predator (2018) Movie Review

The Predator (2018) Review

Hello again guys! So, the new movie. Was it good? Was it bad? Well, it was definitely a combination between those two. Why do I say that? I shall elaborate. 

First of all, the horror element that made the original that good is completely gone in this one and it was replaced by the classical Shane Black humor and comedic moments, which was not an entirely bad thing. Although the original was violent, this one takes violence to a whole new lever, ramping up the gore and blood. The main reason of the increased violence was the jacked up predator which I wasn't really a fan of because I always enjoined that the original predator was just something that was a little more bigger than a normal human. It was more relatable. The movie is full of action sequences that, although awesome and entertaining, they feel hollow and with no substance to them. Another bad thing about this movie was the story, that most of it did not make any sense and some there are some jump cuts that confuses you even more. The characters here are your every day soldier boys, with no backstory or a bit more ample introduction which results in the fact that you don't care what happens to them. They don't give you the time to create some sort of a bond with them. 

Like I said before, the movie has a lot of humor which is funny and, surprisingly not out of place and I enjoyed it. The main source of the humor is Keegan Michael Key and the relation that his character has with Thomas Jane's character. Sadly, how much I like Olivia Munn and how good she looks, her character was one of the worst things in the movie. She is not suitable for a role of a scientist and, apparently, she studied Kristen Stewart's portrayal of Bella in the Twilight series because the whole movie she is keeping her mouth open. 

Overall, I did not hate the movie, it was enjoyable for the most part but I don't think that this franchise should still continue because this predator has lost it's hunting skills. Some great and really bonkers technology in this one though. 6.5/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Next up, the movie Tag and some others. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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