TAG (2018) Movie Review

TAG (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, after all of those Predator movies I felt that a change of pace was needed and this movie had the premise and the cast to make me feel interested. The movie did not disappoint, if you want to watch a nice and pretty good comedy. 

What I find interesting and also a bit unbelievable is the fact that the premise of the movie is based on a real thing. This really happened, apparently and is just bonkers but, at the same time, a good way to keep in touch, pun intended here, with friends from your childhood. To be frank, there aren't many people who stay in touch with friends from childhood and, ultimately, this is what the movie is about, keeping the connection with the people that are important in your life, whether is your friends, girlfriends and even family. 

The cast is great, the comedy is satisfying and I very much enjoyed the tagging scenes. Really liked that slow motion effect, it really helped with the comedy. The one from the woods stands out, being more elaborate than the others. One thing that bugged me was Jeremy Renner's character, which was a mix between Sherlock Holmes and Hawkeye. He was described of being so invincible and when they show us why was that, it was like he had super powers. I mean, it was a bit, well more than a bit, non-believable. Also, the movie reminded me of the style of The Hangover series, which is a good thing, if you are thinking about the first movie, only. 

Overall, if you want a nice comedy, that can give some you good laughs, this is the movie for you. It's an OK movie. 6.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, the solo adventures, actually not so solo, of the young Han Solo. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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