The Nun (2018) Movie Review

The Nun (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, say you prayers and drink some holly water because it's time for the darkest chapter of the ConjuVerse, that is how I refer to this whole series and the most unholy one.

To understand how I fell about the movies from this universe, I very much enjoyed the two Conjuring movies, I liked Annabelle:Creation and I despise Annabelle. This one is kinda 50/50 for me because it has some flaws that I can't get past. With that said, let's get the bad things out of the way first.

First of all, the movie's script is less than desirable because it's very inconsistent, story wise, which is a bit illogical, with characters that are introduced in a very flimsy way, with almost no backstory or some type of an exposition. It's very cliched, like so many horror movies from the last years, with some exceptions of course, making it very, very predictable and annoying at the same time. It's got some humor but I am split by the middle because I cannot decide if it's out of place or not. Sometimes it may feel that way but, I think, in the end I can say that the humor is enjoyable, most of the time. It's a good thing that the movie is not very long.

With that last sentence it's time to talk about the good things that the movie can offer you, the average viewer. First of all, being a Romanian, I was impressed and delighted when I found out that the movie was shot in Romania. It's a big publicity add for our country and that, from my part, is a plus. The second positive is the cleverness of the scary moments in the movie because the way that those moments are presented and created was very inventive. The effects were on point plus combined with the creepy atmosphere and the chilling sound effects, especially the one that you hear whenever Valak appeared, make for a haunting movie experience. Performances were great as well, Taissa looking more and more like her older sister, acting wise as well. 

Overall, to be honest, I was expecting a bit more, judging that this is the most terrifying character from this universe but I was satisfied enough with what I got and you can be to. Although flawed, it's worth seeing for the scary moments. Better than Annabelle, I can assure you! 6.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, some movies, maybe the original Predator and it's sequel, remake and the new remake. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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