Upgrade (2018) Movie Review

Upgrade (2018) Review

Hello again and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Sorry for taking so long to get this review posted but I am having a very busy period and I can't seem to find the time to do these reviews. Hopping this week will be a bit more free but I don't know so, to be safe, I will post a couple of reviews today, instead of one. The first one is for this movie.

So, when I saw the trailer for the movie and I saw that it was another revenge story, I was expecting the same old thing but I was very surprised, in a good way, that this movie took that premise and gave it, shall I say, an upgrade. A tune up, if you will. 

The director of the movie, Leigh Whannell, who created two of the most popular horror franchises, Saw and Insidious manages to bring a fresh take on an overused premise and give it a twist that only he can be capable of giving. 

Besides the story, that is well told and well developed, with characters that are given the right amount of exposition and the strikingly good quality humor, it also is a look into our future with this technology that evolves day by day. The main point of the story may become real in the near future and that is truly terrifying. The ending was a bit confusing because it was not a typical ending of a story but it left some more room for a sequel maybe. 

Overall, I very much enjoyed this movie and you will to, if you give it a chance. It's not perfect, there are some flaws of course, a bit of the camera movement may not be for everyone but, for the most part, the movie works very well. The action and fighting sequences are excellent, very well choreographed and well shot and extremely violent. The gore is of the hook in this movie. I can say that this movie is what the Venom movie should be because they are very similar and the characters as well. Plus, Logan Marshall-Green is just the long lost twin of Tom Hardy. 8/10


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