Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Movie Review

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today we are going to take a stroll, in a galaxy far far away with our favorite rascal pilot and smuggler, Han Solo. Not the one who was stabbed by his son in Force Awakens but the younger version of him.

With every of these origin stories of beloved and popular characters, you know what to expect and this one, I can say, it doesn't offer a new take on this type of a story. We find out how he got his name, Solo and how he got his blaster but in the most common and uneventful way. If I can say, in the most ridiculous way possible which I did not like. The movie it's not as bad you think, it has some good things that might redeem itself. It has some good action scenes, some very nice humor between Han and Chewie, in particular. It has a fast pace, it doesn't linger to much on a particular set piece, which are great by the way and the visuals are stunning, like in every Star Wars movie. 

I had some problems with the approach that they've decided to take. If I were to describe it, I can say that this movie is kinda of a space western, which is not a bad approach but they went a bit overboard with the western part and not enough space opera. It kinda reminded me a bit of the style of the other anthology movie, Rogue One.

Acting wise, it was fine, no problems there. I actually enjoyed the performance of Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo, it had a bit of the Harrison Ford charisma and charm. Emilia Clarke was alright and the portrayal of Lando by Donald Glover was excellent, right on point. Woody Harrelson is great and everything he does but I did not see the point of the new droid, other than, it's a Star Wars movie so we got have a new droid. 

Overall, although it has some flaws, mainly in the story, it's still a lot of fun and it can satisfy both newcomers to the franchise as the old ones as well. Very nice to see the Millenium Falcon again, with a different and much cleaner design. 7.1/10

OK guys, that is the review for today. Next up, it's time for an upgrade to another popular genre with the movie Upgrade. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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