Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (2017) Movie Review

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today is "Guardians Vol.2" and the first "Alien" movie. Listen, I had a blast with the first "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie. Just read my review. I'm still having a blast because I just saw it again on Friday night. The second volume is not bad at all but it does not surpasses it's predecessor. But I still had fun with this movie because the humor is present in the whole movie. I don't wanna say it's over exaggerated but it's used in almost every scene. In the first one the humor was funny but in this it kinda went from funny to downright silly. It's not bad quality humor but it's still a very huge amount. I mean, if you take out all of the action, special effects, visuals and other things leaving only the characters you have a sitcom on your hands, like "Seinfeld" in space. They argue all the time, like some 4th graders and, from the beginning of the movie, each character is cracking a joke. The movie compensates though with great action, excellent visuals and special effects, superb colors and we get more backstory to Quill's origins, which is great. Performances are awesome and Baby Groot is just adorable. This movie took a lesson from "The Fast and Furious" movies because the main focus is family. Quill with his dad and Yondu, Gamora with her sister, Rocket with Yondu and even Drax with all of the Guardians. The movie also has a deep emotional impact, specially at the end. Like I said, it's not as good as the first one but I still had a blast and it's a fun movie experience. Also, the soundtrack is still awesome. 8.5/10


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