Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) Movie Review

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Thru unseen circumstances, I could not post the review for this one yesterday but, today, it's Bonus Day. 2 reviews in one strike. Let's talk about the second movie. With this one, the series took a serious nose dive into bad film making. I mean, I'm not saying the movie is bad but the whole sense of adventure, the good humor and Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow from the first one are all gone in this mess of a movie. It's longer than the first one, which is a big problem. Because even the first should not have been almost 2 and a half hours. The good humor is replaced with silly humor, almost cartoonish, the action is bogged down and the impersonation of Jack Sparrow by Johnny Depp is less of a pirate and more of a caricature of himself. The effects are slightly better, with the CGI of Davy Jones and his crew. The script has a lot of plot holes, we are introduced to new characters without any exposition or even a freaking backstory. And some scenes could have been cut out to make the movie less tiresome and long. The good thing is that it's still entertaining, with all it's flaws. The action, however bogged down it is, it's still impressive, mainly at the beginning and in the final act of the movie. It's not the worst of the series but that does not mean it's the best. 7.2


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