King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie Review

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, I just saw this movie in the theater and it's not a bad movie but is definitely not a good one either. After Guy Ritchie modernized and reinvented Sherlock Holmes he did the same with a more legendary figure, King Arthur. I love Guy Ritchie's style but his approach in this movie is a bit flawed. He kept the essential parts of the story but with the rest of it he gave it another twist. I'm all in for a more modern and a new take on a classic story but, at least, make some sense of it. The fight and action sequences, however visually great there are, are filled with many fast cuts, shaky cam that you can't tell what the hell is happening. Like I said, visually the movie is awesome, the 3-D is well used, you definitely need to see it in 3-D and the cast is great. Jude Law is very good and Charlie Hunnam surprised me what a good choice he was for this role. You can feel, or rather see, the similarities with "Lord of the Rings" and "Game of Thrones". Plus, it has that British humor that Guy Ritchie uses in his movies. I think the studio gave Ritchie to much freedom for this one. Everything that was classic about this story was striped down for a more modern take, which I'm fine with it. It's a mess of a movie but an entertaining mess, nonetheless. 7.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for this movie. Next time, we shall see. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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