Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge/ Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) Movie Review

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge/Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Like I said, today is the 5th and, possibly, the last entry in the "Pirates..." franchise. Well, I don't want to say that this movie is excellent but it's the best one since the first one. And there is one particular reason why. Because it looks almost exactly like the first, with minor differences. The story is almost linear as in the first movie, the action is good, very adventurous with a humor that is not silly but it's not far from it. Mostly is good quality humor. Some say that the humor is less than in the others but I think it's in the same amount. I mean, I laughed at this movie. All in all, the performances were good, Javier Bardem makes for a deadly villain, pun intended. The connections with the other movies are, sadly, overlooked and ignored, most of them and we are "treated" with a cameo that, in my opinion, it's just useless. The feeling that this movie left me is that it works very well like a finale and not another start point for another adventure. You can leave like that Disney. No need for another story. Also, less sexual innuendo. It's a Disney movie, for crying it out loud! 7.4/10

OK guys, this is my review for today. Next week, get ready for reviews of "Free Fire" and, because "Wonder Woman" is coming out, "Man of Steel" and "BvS" are going to be put to the test. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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