Black Panther (2018) Movie Review

Black Panther (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, I just got done seeing the most recent MCU movie and it was awesome, with a minor flaw. What we have here is, basically, the James Bond of the MCU because of all the cool technology that is used in this movie. I also felt a "Lion King" vibe in the some parts of the movie, especially at the beginning. The special effects look incredible and the visuals are stunning making it a movie that is very nice to look at. Plus the costumes are incredible, embodying that African style and feel. The action is not that much but it's there when it counts and the story is very compelling with a very important and strong political message, kinda let "Get Out" had. We have a very strong villain that you can relate to and understand his motives and Michael B. Jordan does an outstanding performance conveying all those emotions. This movie may not have very famous actors but it has some very good ones. I already mention B. Jordan but Boseman is incredible, Lupita does a wonderful job, Martin Freeman was great, Andy Serkis as usual, all of the actors were excellent but the real star here is the director, Ryan Coogler. I said about the story that is compelling but it's also not new, which is the minor flaw that I mentioned in the beginning. And, with this movie, we get characters that are fully developed, which is a rare thing. I can safely say that this is the "Wonder Woman" of 2018! 9/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, something is coming but don't yet what. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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