Fifty Shades Freed (2018) Movie Review

Fifty Shades Freed (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, we reached the peak of this "award winning" franchise and, I got to tell you, that whole tagline with "Don't Miss The Climax" is complete and utter bullshit. It's a fucking stupid conclusion that this movie reaches, that's what the tagline should have been. What I can say is that this movie is a good comedy. I mean, the author of the freaking books wrote this screenplay and it sucks so, if I understand correctly, the books suck as well. So, like I said, the script sucks, the lines and dialogue are laughably bad and hilarious, which is a bad thing because I don't think they intended that. The chemistry is a bit improved in this one, I can give them that and Dornan is not as stiff, no pun intended here, as in the first two movies but it's not enough to save this movie which I think is way longer that it should be. There are some two or three scenes that give some little tension and suspense but, ultimately, the movie becomes boring and seems to drag, only for the sake of the run time. Granted, the sex scenes are a bit better than in the previous installments and the sexy level feels a bit higher, again no pun intended. The whole revenge act is completely useless, secondary characters appear very secondary and some of them are completely forgettable. It's like the script or who wrote the script did not know what to do with these characters or, better yet, the whole story and plot of the movie. I don't wanna talk about it man, I am very glad it is finally over and I am hopping that they don't green light a fourth one because I understand that there is a fourth book. Until this came out, I was not sure that I will not hate another movie franchise, other then "Twilight" but this one takes the cake. AWFULLLLLLLLLL!! 4/10


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