The Post (2017) Movie Review

The Post (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today I am going to talk about and give my overall thoughts on the new historical drama directed by the one and only Steven Spielberg and starring Meryl Streep and my boy, Tom Hanks. What I liked about this movie is how Spielberg decided to portray this important moment in American history and succeed in doing so, in the most part. In some other parts, the movie reminds you of a better, in my opinion, constructed, from a story view, piece and that is "Spotlight". But hey, that's just me. I am not saying that this movie is copying "Spotlight" or that is a bad movie which isn't but it's not a great movie. I like the period time from which this event is presented and Spielberg is in his element here, taking you back with great camera shots, excellent film making and a compelling story. There is suspense, the atmosphere is thrilling and engaging and it will keep you at the edge of your seat. What can I say about the cast man? Streep and Hanks are excellent, as always and I don't understand why these two incredible actors are at their first collaboration because they work very well together and you believe their relation. And the interaction between the two of them are one of the highlights on this movie. Special shout out to the secondary cast, Allison Brie, David Cross, Michael Sthulbarg, again and Bob Odenkirk. It's not a great movie but it's definitely a good movie and it's worth watching. 8.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, tackling Churchill himself in "Darkest Hour". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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