Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Movie Review

Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Review

Well, I did not think that it was possible to hate the second one more than the first one but, no surprise there, I did. Because the trailer for the movie was good, giving it a psychological thriller vibe with some tension and suspense but we did not get that in this movie. Instead we got the same thing. Stupid dialogue, very bad writing, chemistry lacking again between the two leads plus some awful performances. The number of sex scenes is a little higher than the first, which I can give them credit for that but the sexiness is still missing from these scenes. Maybe because the chemistry between Johnson and Dornan is missing the sexy part of those scenes are missing.  Some new characters appear but they do little for the story and they are there only to build up the hype for the sequel. The movie tries so hard to be sexy and, ultimately, it falls flat, leaving you unsatisfied. But again, the movie is funny. Maybe they tried to make a comedy disguised as a sexy thriller, which the movie isn't. 3.5/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Next up is the final chapter, "Fifty Shades Freed". Cannot wait! Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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