Maze Runner:The Scorch Trials (2015) Movie Review

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! I know, the reviews for the last two "Maze Runner" movies are a bit late but I was a bit over busy these days that I did not have time to do the reviews but here they are. So, the second entry in the "Maze Runner" franchise is not as good as the first but not in the action department. The movie is full of action packed scenes and great special effects plus some very impressive and incredible cinematography and some great landscapes. On the story front it does suffer because it doesn't have the shroud of mystery and suspense that the first one had. Plus, it's way longer that it needs to be, resulting in some unnecessary scenes that are only there to pad the run time. Performances are still great, with some new comers elevating the already great cast. For a sequel, it does have some good bits but as a hole it's beneath the original. 6/10


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