Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Movie Review

Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Review

Welcome back guys and this time for a review. Well, two actually and this is the first one and no, I did not saw this movie just now. I saw it when it came out, both of them unfortunately but, because the third one is coming out, no pun intended here, I've decided to give you my overall thoughts of the first two. And, because this is a family friendly site or blog or whatever you wanna call it, I will keep the comments PG-13, like the movie is because this movie is total garbage but a little less garbage then the book but it's still garbage. Man, what am I talking about, this movie is awful! Extremely bad writing, laughable dialogue and some very stupid lines, situations, events and character choices that simply don't make sense in the real world. The chemistry between the two leads is nowhere to be found, the scenes between seem so forced and awkward. Dakota Johnson is a good actress but here she has nothing to work with and, apparently, no colleague to work with because Jamie Dornan is stiff as a board with his acting and conveying none of the things that his book counterpart has. And now we get to the sex part of this movie which is apparently missing or very little of it. The thing that made the books so popular is almost missing in the movie, apart from one or two scenes. It's lack of sexiness is incredible. Plus, the movie is hilariously funny by how bad and stupid it is. Bad! Awful! Stupid! Lazy! 4.5/10


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