Murder on the Orient Express (2017) Movie Review

Murder on the Orient Express (2017) Review

Well, guys, here is a review that I din not plan on doing. Granted, I have seen the other two movie versions of this story, the 1974 version with Albert Finney, which I liked but I though that Finney was a bit miss cast and the episode with David Suchet, which is my favorite amongst these three. This one though does not reach the build up or the conclusion in the terms that the other two did. What I can tell you good about this movie are the cast, which is incredible, one of the best ensemble cast I have ever seen in a movie and the visuals plus the aesthetic of the whole thing. It is visually stunning, with some great imagery, style and color. Plus the costumes are great and the humor that made Hercule Poirot the character that he is it is present, which is great. Kenneth Branagh as the famous Belgian detective is good but I am not sure about that moustache. Maybe digitally erase it, like they did with Henry Cavill's in "Justice League". A fairly mediocre movie, with a story that misses it's mark, unfortunately. It could have been a great movie. 6.2/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Next up, the infamous "The Room". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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