Bird Box (2018) Movie Review

Bird Box (2018) Review

Hello guys and Happy New Year! Welcome back to Movie Reviews #100% and the start of a new year, with a tone of movies coming and, also, a tone of reviews as well. Another thing is that my new site, Movie Nerd, is up and running so I will be posting the reviews there but here as well. 

About this review, it wasn't planned but I got some requests to do it so, who am I to say no. So, without any further ado, let's dive right in.

Look, there was a lot of hype surrounding this movie and I said to myself, let's see what this hype was all about. A bit of a synopsis for ya until we proceed: The film follows a woman, played by Sandra Bullock, who, along with a pair of children, dubbed Boy and Girl, must make it through a forest and river blindfolded to avoid supernatural entities which cause people who see them to die by suicide. 

So, long story short, the movie definitely reminds you of A Quiet Place and The Happening, which, at first, might seem like a doomed combination but, fortunately, the tense and chilly atmosphere elevated by Bullock's performance make this movie a creepy and intense thriller. The back and forth, with the flashbacks work here and gives you a chance to connect with the characters and get some well deserved exposition. Unfortunately, the movie does not live up to its full potential, becoming a bit predictable at times and familiar. 

Overall, what can I say? The movie is good, most of it, it has some scares, some tension and suspense but the similarities with the other movies takes a big chunk from the originality of this movie. 6.5/10

OK guys, that is mi review for this one. Other reviews coming but on my other site and, like I said, I will post them here as well. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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