Bumblebee (2018) Movie Review

Bumblebee (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%! The reviews that I post here will also be available on my other site, to which I will post a link right here: https://benjamin16barker.wixsite.com/website

OK, that being said, let's dive in to this review. So, we all know the Transformers, from the old 80's animations and the movie from 86' to the Michael Bay franchise, which most people hate. I am not one of this people because those movies are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me but even I did not like ''The Last Knight'', which I did a review of on my old site.

When I heard that they are making a Bumblebee solo movie, I was a bit unsure because of the last Transformers movie but when I heard that Travis Knight, who did ''Kubo and the Two Strings'', a movie that I enjoyed very much, I was a bit more optimistic. And when I saw the end result, I was so pleased of the movie that I could not believe it. A bit of a synopsis for you if you haven't seen the movie: ''On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen''

So, I was so surprised by this movie because it was a Transformers movie that had heart, real emotions, a beautiful and well established relationship and very relatable with all types of audiences, from small to young and adult. This movie is a statement that you can bring some good old fun, wonder and emotion in a franchise that was nothing more than a bloated, full of CGI mess, with no story and no compelling characters.

Speaking of characters, Hailee Steinfeld does a real good job with her character, making Charlie the most compelling and relatable human character in the Transformers franchise. The movie does a real good job on establishing her backstory and, also, her relation with Bumblebee, which is not fast paced but the movie takes its time to make you connect with these two.

Amongst all of this, there are also some action set pieces, which are great. The reason why I enjoy the Bay movies is because of the scale of the action scenes and the execution, which I don't mind, with the shaky cam and all. The problem was that you did not understand who was fighting who but in this one the fights are much clearer and much more well organized, shot and executed.

The soundtrack is another plus because the action is set in the 80's so you get some good 80's songs. Sound effects are great also plus the design of the Transformers will please the fans of the old G1 series.

What more can I say? Overall, this was a very good step in a very good direction for this franchise and I hope that they will go further with this style because this movie deserves to have some sequels and if they can connect with the timeline from the 2007 Transformers movie, that would be great. A wonderful and brilliant friendship story, which, I wanna point out, that Steven Spielberg was a producer on all the sixth movies but only in this one you can see the influence of Spielberg because it has that ''E.T'' vibe and feeling. Also, some ''Real Steel'' as well. A bit of the humor did not work all the time but that is just nitpicking at this point. This was the Transformers movie we have all been waiting for. 8.7/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Coming soon, reviews for ''Into the Spider Verse'' and ''Bad Times at the El Royale''. Until then, stay movie nerdy and keep on reviewing!


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