Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Movie Review

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%! Here I am again, bringing you another review for another great movie from last year. So, shall we dive into this review-verse? I would say yes.

Everybody knows Spider-Man, everybody loves Spider-Man, I love Spider-Man, you love Spider-Man, your kids love Spider-Man, your wife or girlfriend and, why not, parents and grandparents alike love Spider-Man. Well, this is a movie that will make you love this character even more.

Let's look a bit at the history of Spider-Man in media. I believe there were a couple of movies and a TV Show from the 80's, I don't know, I wasn't around at that time. In the 90's you have the cartoon and some other iterations of the character. You have the comics of course and, from 2002, Spider-Man entered the big screen in great fashion. I am talking, of course, about the first Spider-Man movie in the Raimi trilogy.

Spider-Man had a some highs and lows with the movies, beginning great with the first one, even better with the second one and Spider-Man 3 pretty much ended the Raimi era of Spider-Man, most of it, in a bad way. Then we got a reboot, in 2012, which was OK and then it all went down in 2014 with ''The Amazing Spider-Man 2''. What do we do? Let's make a deal with Marvel and maybe they can do something good with the character. And they did. In 2016, we get another Spider-Man in ''Civil War'', which was one of the highlights of that movie. Then came ''Homecoming'', which was great and then ''Infinity War'' came and, spoilers, Spider-Man was erased. With the new game on PS4 and ''Far From Home'' coming this year, Spider-Man is on the role but we are here to talk about this incredible animated movie that really changed comic book adaptations or, at least, took them to another level.

Like ''Bumblebee'', this movie has one of best origin story in years, full of heart, emotions and a very good message, not only for the kids but for people of all ages. It tells you never to give up no matter how bad things get or how scared you are that you will not succeed. You have to keep trying and trying until you do and to find the power inside of you, pushing yourself into doing it and, ultimately, succeed.

The movie has one of the most beautiful animation that I have ever seen in an animated movie. It's like a comic book, literally, came to life on the screen. You have that style of a comic book, complete with thought bubbles as well as words popping out in the frame combined with the style of a painter and all digitized. In some parts the animation is a bit hard to watch and stomach but, for the most part, the animation looks surreal.

Combined that excellent animation with an incredible story, great action set pieces, some good humor, compelling and relatable characters and you got yourself a winner mate! A bit sad at times, you can relate with the main character because you realize that, if any of us were him, Miles Morales, we would exactly like him or as same as him. Got this new powers, you have no experience with them, everything is new to you, you feel scared and when you find other people with similar powers, you feel a bit ostracized, left out because they have more experience with this then you do and it's a natural reaction. But, if you believe in yourself and you find the strength to succeed, you can do anything. Even become the new Spider-Man! Wouldn't that be great, right?

Overall, finally, Sony made, I don't want to say it but I will, the best Spider-Man movie to date. It's not perfect and it's not my favorite Spider-Man movie but it's in the top three. Also, it's perfect for families. The kids will get excited with the all the action and the colors and the adults will also enjoy the story and the message that it delivers. Cannot wait for the sequel! 9/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Coming soon, some really bad weather and some interesting characters and the El Royale hotel. Until then, stay movie nerdy and keep on reviewing!


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