Glass (2019) Movie Review

Glass (2019) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%, the place where you can be nerdy about movies!

It has been a few busy days for me, doing so many reviews that I thought I could not make this one, let alone seen the movie but, I managed to organised my time in order to see the movie and give my humble opinion about it.

Everybody knows the movie ''Unbreakable'', the third best Shyamalan movie after ''The Sixth Sense'' but, and this is the twist, nobody knew that M. Night decided to make a sequel and, ultimately, a trilogy but we found out from the post credits scene in ''Split'', a movie that, I consider, to be better than ''Unbreakable''. The first movie set the stage for a more grounded vision on superheroes and what would happen if people like that exist in real life. ''Split'' was a bit more different, showing that same vision from a different angle and ''Glass'' closed, for now, the realistically battle between good and evil. The question is, did the trilogy end on a high note or was it a disappointment?

Well, the critics and the audience, but mostly the critics had mixed reactions and, most of them, thought it was disappointing and a let down. For me, the movie was OK and I was not very disappointed with the choices and the direction M. Night choosed to end things.

A bit of a synopsis for you: Security guard David Dunn uses his supernatural abilities to track Kevin Wendell Crumb, a disturbed man who has twenty-four personalities.

Make no mistake, the movie is not boring and you are engaged throughout most of it. It contains scenes that are gripping, full of tension and suspense, in a way that only M. Night can create, maximizing that effect with some well thought out soundtrack and some killer filming techniques. Not only that M. Night is using the sound and camera to elevate the feeling of the movie but he also uses visuals such as colors, mainly to emphasize the qualities of the three characters, David, Kevin and Elijah. Green for David because he is the hero, a bit reluctant and, also because green is the meaning of life and David is all about protecting the lives of others. Yellow is for Kevin, showing him as this religious figure and purple is for Elijah, which symbolizes kingship. So, you can see these little glimmers of the old M. Night in this movie.

However, because M. Night is known for his twists and surprises at the end of each movie he also uses them in this one. Unfortunately, those twists did not have the desired effects. Instead of surprising the viewer, it confuses him and making half of the movie seem without any logic.

The movie felt more like a comic book movie than the other have because you get the vigilante actions of David, fights between the villain and the hero, sidekicks that assist both the hero and the villain and a big showdown at the end with all of the characters.

Overall, I liked this movie. I think it had some good ideas, the whole trilogy had some good ideas, I was engaged throughout the film and it definitely has some potential. As a ending to a trilogy, it felt a little flat, I was not on board with some things and the end twist, at least a part of it, saw it coming. James McAvoy still reign supreme with this role, playing an even bigger number of personalities than he did in ''Split'' and Willis, Jackson and all the others were OK. I was not that disappointed with this movie and, in my books, it's a fresh one. 7.1/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. I hope I can do the review for ''A Star Is Born'' but, time will tell. However, more reviews coming. Until then, take care, stay movie nerdy and keep on reviewing!


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