Robin Hood (2018) Movie Review

Robin Hood (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%, the place where you can be nerdy about movies!

So, everybody know the legend of Robin Hood, the story of Robin of Loxley, who fought in the crusades only to return to an England that felt no longer as he's home because of the laws enforced by the sheriff of Nottingham. So, he became the outlaw knows as Robin Hood, who stole from the rich to give to the poor.

We all know that story but, if you do not, here is a bit of a synopsis for you lot: A war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown.

So, like I said, the original story, a story used in all of the other incarnations of Robin Hood, throughout the years. In terms of originality, this is a strike one for this movie, one of the many strike outs that this has made.

In my opinion, the best Robin Hood movie version is the one from ''Man in Tights''. The is the best movie with this character. I liked ''Prince of Thieves'' with Kevin Costner and the Rusell Crowe version as well but the one with Cary Elwes is my favorite.

This one, however, it was a complete misfire for me. They've decided to go in the direction Guy Ritchie went with his ''King Arthur: Legend of the Sword'' movie, which I did not hate. And look, I enjoy the fact that they are trying to modernize these old tales but, in this case, it did not work. Nothing works in this movie, not even the action scenes, the special effects, the fight choreography and, also, the love story.

The fight sequences are poorly edited, with many jump cuts and quick cuts plus the shaky cam style of film making does not help at all, turning what could have been some great fight scenes into some bits and bobs, that you cannot make sense of any of it. The special effects look cheap and fake, not amazing at all, I was not impressed by any of it. The whole production value looks cheap. Fight choreography might be good in some occasions but throwing slow-motion into the mix kinda makes everything worse. The love story is cliched, robbed of any emotion whatsoever, the chemistry between the actors is not there.

Speaking of actors, Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx and Ben Mendelsohn, who is destined to play only villains in every movie apparently, bring nothing to the table. Just some bland characters, without the gravitas that you might expect.

Overall, despite having some rich source material from which to steal a thing or two, this movie was just another poor attempt to revive an old tale by drowning it in modern special effects, hopping to drawn in the crowd, only for that reason and not for the story. If you want to change the recipe but keep the ingredients, at least cook something fresh. Basically, this movie, it's ''Batman Begins'' but he's Robin Hood. If you put the two movies together, you end up with the same picture. 5/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Coming soon, reviews for ''A Star is Born'' and ''Glass''. Until then, take care, stay movie nerdy and keep on reviewing!


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