Despicable Me 2 (2013) Movie Review

Despicable Me 2 (2013) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today, we are talking about the second entry in the "Despicable Me" franchise. Look, the first one was a nice and funny family-friendly animation that both adults and kids can enjoy. The second one is more of that but with less originality. The family-friendly feel is there, the laughs, which are a lot, are there, despite the same rude and juvenile humor that they use, the animation looks even better than the first one, with some amazing visuals and visual effects thrown in there. The voice performances are, once again, brilliant. Steve Carell proves a second time that he is the best choice to voice this character. Kristen Wiig is back, voicing a character that is more important to the story than in the first movie. Speaking of that, we have no character development for these new ones and no story development for their existence, which, in my case, is a minus in telling a linear story. And, of course, the minions, which are crazier than ever, offering us many funny situations. The script, once again, is inconsistent and plot holed, which is a shame because we are presented this whole new spy world but in the first movie, it's not even mentioned. Not even once, not even a slight hint. So, you can understand my confusion about this hole plot. Because the first one had the family and parenthood subject, in the second one it's all about love. The screenwriters tried to make this a kinda different love story, with all the spy stuff happening in the background but it felt cheesy and unoriginal. Despite that, overall, it's another success for the franchise. And a special mention goes to the Oscar nominated song "Happy" by Pharell. That song is awesome! The first one is still my favorite, nonetheless. 7.2/10
OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up is "Despicable Me 3". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing! 


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