Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Movie Review- POTENTIAL SPOILERS

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor, with a brand new look! Because "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" has been released, which I am going to see tonight, I've decided to revisit the first movie and give you my overall thoughts on it. From the moment this movie began I understood that I'm in for a visual and stylish movie. This movie is like a race car. It starts slow and, gradually, it builds up momentum and, by the end, has reached it's top speed, leaving you amazed and baffled. Although it's based on a comic book and you can see that from the visual style and special effects used, which are awesome, apart from the one at the end, with the heads exploding, I din't quite understood why they went with that effect. Maybe they wanted to give it a little more panache, who knows. So, like I said, although it's based on a comic book, the story is still grounded in reality, with normal problems, normal lives and normal decisions. The action is great and the scene that stands out is the church scene. That scene was so nicely shot and edited that you cannot not enjoy it. Great performances from all the cast, great soundtrack, excellent special effects plus, amongst all the action and mayhem, you also get some great humor, emotions, suspense and some great constructed tension. The one thing that may bother you is that, if you have seen the trailers for the second film and, also, the movie and if you have not I issued a spoiler warning at the beginning, you know that Colin Firth's Galahad is very much alive. So knowing that, his death in the first movie does not have the same impact as when you saw it for the first time and there are some things that don't really make sense plus a really in the face McDonald's product placement but that is just nitpicking. Overall, the movie was a great surprise, a mix, if you will, of "Men in Black" and James Bond, which I enjoyed very much. 8/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. The following days I will be putting up a few more reviews for the second Kingsman movie and the whole "Despicable Me" trilogy plus the "Minions" movie. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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