Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) Movie Review

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, let's talk about the sequel to the amazing "Secret Service". Mattthew Vaughn managed to reinvent the spy movie genre with the first one. Like I said in my review, although is based on a comic book, the story is grounded in reality. Vaughn created a spy movie that was entertaining and, at the same time, emotional, with a story that might seem familiar but he managed to make it fresh and original, avoiding the genre's cliches. With the second one, Vaughn ups the ante in the action and special effects department but lowers it in originality and creativity. Look, the movie looks awesome and the action scenes are very entertaining but it looks too much like a comic book. The action, although great, is very over the top that it borderlines between awesome and exaggerated. And the special effects are so non-believable that it makes the whole movie look like a mix between spy movie and science-fiction. With the new gadgets emphasizing the science- fiction part. Some critics say that it's a mix between "Men in Black" and James Bond. But I disagree. The first one is that mix but this one is just "Men in Black 2" with some James Bond elements here and there. And "Men in Black 2" is not a good movie. The performances are good, Juliane Moore is a bit over the top with her performance, resulting an annoying character more than a serious villain. Jeff Bridges and Channing Tatum are very good but their screen time is limited and I wanted to see more of them. Plus, you have Michael Gambon, a veteran British actor and you give him a a bit more than a cameo part. He's gone in like 5 minutes. I enjoyed the explanation of what happened to Colin Firth's character, Harry and I was happy because they filled that blank. And I really appreciated the "say no against drugs and drug use" message. I don't hate the movie, is not a bad movie but it begins with a bang, right from the start, it doesn't give you a moment to absorb the elements of the story and it keeps on like this until the end. I'm not against it and I understand that we don't need any other introduction of these characters because we know, most of them, from the first movie. But give me a chance to unwine before you throw me into an action sequence. It's to abrupt and sudden. The soundtrack is somewhat improved plus, we have a nice appearance from Elton John.
Overall, it's an entertaining movie and you can have fun with it but it does not surpass the original. 7.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for now. Later this day I will review the "Minions" movie and, in the following days, the three "Despicable Me" movies. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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