Snatched (2017) Movie Review

Snatched (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today is a shitty day to review a movie. Particularly this horse shit. Despite having two gifted and talented COMEDIC stars and I emphasize the word comedic, this movie is not funny in it's slightest. It has no plot development whatsoever, the humor is weak and very bad, acting wise OK but I felt that Amy Schumer was still playing a version of her character from "Trainwreck" but, hey, that's just me. Most of the story makes no sense, the actions of the characters are, mostly, illogical which makes the movie stupid and confusing. You cannot call your movie a comedy when the only thing that is remotely funny is the interaction between the brother and that U.S. Department Agent. Overall, you will be better off watching any other movie, for example "Trainwreck", which is a excellent and way way way better title than this one. Overall, a stupid, full of cliches, predictable, boring, unfunny movie with a story that is not original but it is nonsensical. God, I just wasted one hour and a half of my life for this disaster! Avoid it! 4/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, something something. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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